1) Get outside

Exposure to the outdoors lets you appreciate the beauty of nature, boosts Vitamin D production, can improve your mood and may reduce seasonal depression. While you are out, remember to wear sunscreen and avoid excessive sun exposure to reduce your risk of skin cancer.

2) Get moving

While we haven’t yet seen a news headline saying “Man Killed By Couch,” it’s definitely in your best interest to get off the sofa and have some regular physical activity. Start slow and don’t overdo it, but add some movement or exercise to your daily routine. Even three 10-minute periods of activity each day can have positive health benefits. Thirty minutes a day, four to five times per week is even better.

3) Get good nutrition

By now we all should know that a steady diet of pizza and ice cream won’t cut it. While many diets are unhealthy and aren’t effective in the long run, the basic premise of eating a lower-fat, lower-calorie diet rich in fruits and vegetables holds up as a healthy approach. Also remember to drink plenty of water to make sure your body stays adequately hydrated.

4) Get a good night’s sleep

Sound, restful sleep is almost like a magic elixir for better health, as it can help stave off weight gain, reduce pain, improve your mood, and boost your immune system. Use basic “sleep hygiene” tips such as keeping to a regular sleep schedule, reducing caffeine use in the evening, keeping your bedroom dark, quiet, and cool, and not going to bed unless you are sleepy.

5) Get connected with others

Having supportive friends and family is good for you in more ways than you may realize. Social support reduces isolation, provides a sense of security, and improves feelings of self-worth. People with a strong support system are also less vulnerable to ill health and premature death and cope better with bereavement, job loss, illness and other stressors.